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Trainer Spotlight

I began my second career a little more than 1 year ago, after completing my certification as a personal trainer with CanFitPro. I wasn’t certain, at the time, that I would apply my knowledge, but being both client (for more than 10 years) and trainer at the Training Pad has been really interesting.

My first career is epidemiology, the training for which I spent 2 years getting my master’s degree in public health, then 3 more years earning my Ph.D., both at Yale University.

Before we moved to Canada, my husband and I (with little to no help from our dogs) built a cabin in the New Hampshire woods. We particularly liked being there in the winter, so that we could continue our tradition of New Year’s Day picnics al fresco.

Leaving the U.S. to work in another country “for a couple of years” was challenging. After more than a few years had passed we, with our two dogs, realized that Canada had become “home”.

My work as an epidemiologist, encompassing both research and teaching, initially was at the University of Waterloo, then at Ontario’s cancer control agency (Cancer Care Ontario) and the University of Toronto’s School of Public Health. My teaching was mostly to graduate students, training them to become research scientists; my research focused on identifying risk factors that could lead to preventive strategies for a number of different cancers and for osteoporosis.

When I became a client of the Training Pad, Jason encouraged (pushed) me to start running. With his and Lina’s encouragement, I trained for and ran a number of races: 5k, 8k, 10k, and 15k races, as well as two half-marathons. I hope to get back to running at some point but, for now, I walk some of those distances with my elder rescue dog Jackson.

While working in my first career, I earned a private pilot licence, then a commercial licence and an instrument rating. I toyed with the idea of earning my instructor’s rating, but there’s only so much time…. Most of my flying has been in a single-engine, low-wing, four-place aircraft: a Grumman Cheetah, based at the Toronto Island Airport. I also have made time for music, learning to play the bagpipes (which I gave up when we moved into an apartment a few years ago, to the delight of our neighbours) and more recently classical guitar.

Nancy Kreiger


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